Thoughts From The Deck

Has Your Email Been Hacked?

I'm John Hill, CEO of TechSage Solutions, back on the strategic planning deck again. Has your email been hacked? How do you know if someone's illegally accessing your email? How do you know if you're a victim or not? A ...

Erase Your Private Data From the Internet

Hi, everyone. I'm John Hill, CEO of TechSage Solutions. Back on the strategic planning deck again. The temperature got up to 101 degrees today. So I'm really happy that it's dropped to a comfortable 94 degrees. Now, while I'm recording ...

Complex Passwords

I'm John Hill, CEO of Tech Solutions. Back on the strategic planning deck again. If you're like me, and I really suspect you are, it's painful. And you hate trying to remember all those passwords for all those accounts that ...

Why is Zero Trust Important

I'm John Hill, CEO for TechSage Solutions. Back on the strategic planning deck again. Some of you, hopefully many of you have been hearing about something called Zero Trust. It's becoming the security model of choice by many cybersecurity experts. ...

Email Takeover Cybersecurity Risk

Happy Easter. I'm John Hill, CEO for Tech Solutions here on this strategic planning deck. Today. I've got a very timely topic to cover with you, and it's an issue that's growing rapidly. I'm addressing it so that you can ...

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Video Four

I'm John Hill, CEO of TechSage Solutions. Back on the strategic planning deck again. We had a great time in Galveston and I enjoyed recording some thoughts from the beach, but it's good to be back right here in San ...

Thoughts From The Beach

This is John Hill, CEO of TechSage Solutions. And as you might notice, I'm not on the strategic planning deck this weekend. I'm actually down at Galveston having a strategic weekend, planning out some of our strategies for the rest ...

White House Cybersecurity Fact Sheet Release

I'm John Hill, CEO of TechSage Solutions here on the strategic planning deck. Again, cheers. Just a few days ago, the administration released a fact sheet titled Act Now to Protect Against Potential Cyberattacks in response to the evolving intelligence ...

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Video 3

I'm John Hill, CEO for TechSage Solutions here on the strategic planning deck. Again, cheers. I'm enjoying a beautiful, clear, warm day today, so I really hope you are too. Now that you learned about cybersecurity and general risk assessments, ...

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Part 2

Not only are there cyber risks, there is also general business risk. This could include weather destruction, theft, employee error, or anything else that might cause a business disruption. Periodic risk assessments are important to uncover possible risks.


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